Friday, November 18, 2005

Why brooms exist
The first snow and rain mixture presented itself to Suttons Bay yesterday. What a cozy and welcomed sensation to hear the snow and sleet pelting the windows and to look out and see the snow blowing underneath the street light's cone of light. It was a sensory relief after the mega wind storms we endured over the weekend and for the first part of the week. Not to mention all the hours and days of power outages and intermittent power spikes. I really don't know any of the technicians of the power companies who venture out and work in the worst our weather gives us, but to you, I say thank you, thank you, thank you for restoring the power. You are the true backbone to the smooth running structure of our lives. Whether you work for Cherryland Electric or Consumer's Energy, again, thank you. I'd like to buy you a hot cup of coffee or if you prefer, tea or hot chocolate. Stop in Known Books and I'll fix you right up with something hot from the Silvertree Deli!

I avoided going near my van for as long as I could, but this morning I needed to drive just one simple little block to the post office to delivery nine cases of books for shipment. It took me one half-hour to scrape and brush the snow and ice from it.

Standing with the broom in my hand, sensing rapidly freezing and wet feet while trying to keep a scarf on top of my head it dawned on me why we have brooms. They are not to ride around the neighborhoods, nor to sweep our dirty little secrets under rugs, they are for sweeping snow from vans. Simple as that. They are a true northern Michigan winter accessory.

Busy weekend in Suttons Bay, Who Dunit at the High School Friday, Saturday and Sunday. And Sunday November 20th is the Annual Village Holiday Open House. Also on Sunday is the Stoll the Village and Win event. A number of merchants (Known Books included) have donated items which are displayed in the window of Northwestern Bank. All you have to do is visit any number of the shops, get an entry form and visit eleven shops to be entered in a drawing for over 25 prizes from our merchants. Some merchants offer holiday snacks and refreshments.

Christmas trees have been delivered to the shops and we are all busy stringing lights and decorating for your delight. It really is enchanting to walk down St. Jospehs at this time of the year to enjoy the pretty trees and to capture the festive atmosphere.

Ok, dress warm, wear your boots, hats and scarves. And don't forget your mittens! Shop local, buy local. We want to be here when you need us!


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