Sunday, October 09, 2005

Well the Gumbo Before the Game was well attended and enjoyed by all. Many came to hear Big Noise play their jazz, many came for the food, and many came just to support the cause. I am always awed by the generosity and willingness to help by the members of this community.

Just look at some of the merchants involved with their donations - Hansen's Grocer - The Silvertree Deli.

Dave Hansen has always been kind and generous to this community. He donates his time, his money, and food from his grocery store. His service should be a reminder to all of us that even though we can 'get things for less' at some of the bigger stores, he is another reason to shop local. We have to support these local businesses so they will continue to be here for us when *we* need them. They are here twelve months of the year for the community. Not just for the tourists who come for six weeks.

And Matt Walheim and Bruce Vaughn at The Silvertree Deli. Matt made most of the food, fretting as he does over perfection, making sure the rice 'floured' up just right, that the shrimp was cooked to perfection. All this activity on top of his regular full schedule of being a parent and an owner of the Deli as the head chef (and assisted to perfection by sweet Maggie). Day after day, meal after meal he continues to come up with delicious menus and items, and so full of smiles and energy. As the lady said from "When Harry met Sally" - I'll have what he's having!

The weekend in town is busy. The start of the fall color tour with a delightful long weekend for those lucky enough to have Monday off. Tons of 'leaf peepers' in town, large groups of friends taking a long weekend together, many couples getting away for a little bit of rekindling of their relationship, holding hands, smiling gently at each other, rubbing shoulders and snuggling together against the cooling fall wind as they walk down St. Josephs Ave.

The stores are busy, people are doing great impulsive buying and some are even getting a jump on their Christmas shopping, the restaurants are packed. Lines still forming outside of Boones, The Village Inn is packed as well with the usual mix of some locals trying to maintain their routines, sip a few beers, watch a few quarters of the college footballs games, while the tourists seek some break to their sightseeing and shopping to maybe sip a hot coffee or also down a cold beer, get a bite to eat and meld their cheers and screaming for the favored team playing on the big screen tvs while being, if even briefly, part of the local flavor. And late at night the ground vibrates for blocks from the loud music played for the serious drinkers and partying crowd.

The Project Hero Craft show at the Suttons Bay High School always draws a huge crowd on this weekend as well as a maddening increase in car traffic heading north on M22 of those heading over to Leland for The Fiber Arts show. Unfortunately one of the casualities of that drive to Leland was Bruce from The Silvertree Deli - the transmission / axle for his van snapped and broke along Herman Road. He said he knew he was having some problems once he heard the loud noise and started experiencing the van going in reverse. He's sporting a shiny black Stratus rental car while awaiting word on how extensive the repairs to the van will be.

It's also a great weekend for the hunters. Bow season is open and some of our favorite hunters have even headed way up north to the UP for a little grouse hunting - to take a long walk in the woods and to watch their dogs do their magic. Colors are peaking up there I hear.

Ok, it's a gorgeous day, the sky is deep blue with some graying clouds competing for the real estate up there - the leaves are green, yellow and orange, the wind is blowing, people are wearing their sweaters and it is time to get out there. Go enjoy the day - go to town and buy something from a local merchant!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Gumbo Before the Game!

Chicken jambalaya, shrimp gumbo, corn bread and the music of Big Noise, Suttons Bay's own jazz combo...this coming Friday (October 7) before the Mesick football game...from 5-7:30pm in the Suttons Bay High School cafeteria.

All proceeds will go the the Louisiana Principal's Association to help schools devastated by hurricane Katrina and Rita.

Cost: $7 adults, $5 kids. Hope to see you there!