Monday, September 04, 2006

Can you believe the summer has come and gone already? And the Labor Day weekend just finished? What a fun weekend for Suttons Bay. Plenty of shopping, reading, a wonderful Talent Show 'masterminded' by Donna Herman and Jackie Morrison from The Business Helper, immediately followed by the Suttons Bay Fireworks! What a beautiful display! Magnificent! The children loved them, and so did the adults. As usual, the finale always comes too quickly! The combined event drew an impressive and cheering crowd!

Interestingly the International Space Station flew overhead right before the fireworks began. Bright light in the sky heading east. The solar panels were still picking up light from the 'sun side' of the earth. And just as quickly the brightness diminished when it passed out of the range of the sun.

The streets are sparse! It is truly a sad day when the summer people that are so near and dear to us leave after a fun-filled summer! You could almost hear the trunks slamming shut all day in preparation for the drive home! We'll miss you!

But don't forget you can still stop our website, and we are always happy to have a package mailed directly to you!

Boats are still in the bay and marina, and I imagine we'll continue to hear summner sounds and noises as long as the weather continues to be pleasant. And what about shoes? It's been such a great summer for sandals. But pretty soon we'll need those socks as well!

What have you been reading lately? I've been absorbed in some earlier John Grisham titles, Michael Connelly, Harlan Coben, Anne Perry, two Nelson DeMille books (had never read him even though I enjoyed one of his movies), plus Strawberry Moon, a surprisingly satisfying Leelanau County-based mystery. And Chris Zimmerman's book, The Secret-Keeper continues to delight me. His Michigan-based novels have great plot twists and unexpected endings! I devoured all of them in a summer-induced reading feast! I was so occupied with the move and building shelves and putting up the books, and keeping up with web sites and blogs that I had neglected that pleasure for a few months. Feels good to have my hands back on those open covers again, instead of the spines as I put even more still, on shelves (can a bookseller ever truly be happy?)

Remember to look for our new location. We've positioned signs under the Roman Wheel sign, and on all sides of the building plus there are two red signs floating on the corner of the short white brick wall so it'll be easier for you to find us. Turn at the gas station and head towards the water. We're at the bottom of the hill on the left. We're as close to the water as you can get without being on a boat! That's why I took the picture above so you would have an overall view of the location.

For fall we're still going to shoot for daily hours of 11 - 5, and Saturdays are still up in the air for any regular hours (isn't that horrible?). We'll see.

The Mystery section has been organized and the Fiction section is done. But, all shelves have books on them and throughout the remaining fall months the emphasis will continue to be on getting sections organized in the manner in which you have come to expect from Known Books! We'll all just share in the adventure! But right now it is truly a book-browser's paradise!

So, continuing along the Deal or No Deal theme, there are still plenty of great books left in play - and yes, we can certainly use the money!

If you can't stop by personally, please search our inventory. Your best bet is to search most of the data from the title field. When I uploaded the file I didn't separate the data as I should have. I figured rather than spend countless hours on that I would rather use my new Skil Cordless Driver and put a few more shelves together! I'd also like to remind you that if we don't have what you're looking for online, and if you choose to buy from Amazon, please begin your search here, from the Known Books website, by entering the book you are looking for in the Amazon search box on this page in the upper right corner. The reason I ask is because we joined their Associate Program and when you order from them, and if you start here, we receive a referral fee. And that fee is one more amount which helps to keep the store open and available for you. And to all of you who have been entering the Amazon website from Known Books I truly appreciate that you do. Your doing so has helped tremendously.

Also, I've created a page with photos if you want to see the progress and other pictures of Known Books!
We offer both new and used books in general categories. Because we are located in a small resort community we select our inventory to serve our local market, and to have available titles which might also appeal to the thousands of tourists visiting our area throughout the year. We don't specialize because we realized that a broad range of subjects increases the ability to match the right book with the right person (which also increases cash flow!). Perhaps there is a book waiting for you too!

So, stop by often, and search our entire inventory via this website where all our books are listed (give or take a few based on daily sales activity). In addition to our own website, (or, our books are listed on Marketplace and zShops and with

All books are subject to prior sale.


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