Saturday, December 24, 2005

Suttons Bay Today - December 24th, 2005
Not a Creature Was Stirring … except maybe for Santa Claus once we cut him loose to be on his way!

What a fun day, many last minute shoppers, some harried, some rather calm, others just stopping in to say hello, smiles all the way around –

Merry Christmas and many thanks for a fun season!

The Bookseller!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Santa Comes to Suttons Bay
Sunday December 4, 2005
Lots of Christmas activity and Holiday happenings. The sirens roared, traffice stopped and Santa was delivered to The Silvertree Deli promptly at 3:30 on Sunday.
Santa chose a shiny new fire engine rather than bring the sleigh with all the reindeer because of the traffic. He said later that he felt it better for the other drivers to not come down from the sky with the sleigh because it does make the other drivers a little jealous because they can't get their ride that high into the sky. What a considerate man!

The crowds began to arrive and the children were so patient in keeping their parents calm,

And then the magic began.
Santa listening to a list.

I will post more photos later today.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Not just a lifestyle. It's an adventure!

I can hear the plows right now. The guys are out there clearing paths for you! Come and shop in beautiful, quaint, and picture postcard perfect Suttons Bay.

Santa comes tomorrow to the Silvertree Deli at 3:00 so now is your chance to tell him what's on your list!

Just remember, with warm boots, a down-filled coat and four-wheel drive you really can live in northern Michigan.

Enjoy the fun of the snow. "Buy" and read a good book. And shop locally!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Not just a lifestyle. It's an adventure!

Wow! What a morning! Sixteen inches of lake-effect snow arrived overnight. What child-like fun to walk down the alley and dodge the huge flakes: Channel 7 & 4 were here earlier to report on the snowfall. I got out early, ok, it was closer to 10:30 and took some pictures to share with you. Go look!

Just stepped out back and in one ear I'm hearing The Cambridge Singers Christmas Carols, and in the other snow blowers!

Just remember, with warm boots, a down-filled coat and four-wheel drive you really can live in northern Michigan.

Enjoy the fun of the snow. And shop locally.